!!!REPORT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS A report is available to list the plans and coverages an employee is enrolled in. \\ \\ ||Report Parameters Form|| |__As Of Date__|__Mandatory, Date, LOV available__\\Benefit Election and Enrollment records are selected up to and including the As Of Date (Cut-off) supplied on the selection form. |__Sort People By__|__Mandatory, LOV available, defaults as <Person Code>__\\Employees will be printed in this order on the report - person code or last name/first name. \\ \\ ||Report Filters|| |__People List Code__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\A People List may be used to indicate specific employee transaction to be processed. |__Person Code__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field holds the person code(s) of specific employee(s) to be processed. |__Entity__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\This field limits the process to the entity specified. |__Department__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the process to the specified departments. |__Authorization__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the process to the specified authorization levels. |__Location__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the process to the specified locations. |__Org Level Type__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the process to the specified organizational level types. |__Org Level__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the process to the specified organizational levels. |__Unit__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the process to the specified units. |__Group__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the process to the specified groups |__Status__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the process to the specified employment status.