COBRA Letter#

RBCM - COBRA Benefits Options Letter for Terminated Employees.

This report is not intended to serve employees who are still active. This report is intended for terminated employees only.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters#

As of DateMandatory. This field defines the date as of which the COBRA letter is issued
Terminated From/To DateMandatory. Selecting a range of dates allows to print several letters at a time for employees terminated between these dates
Fee StatementOptional. If 'Yes', Admin Fee notes will be added to the letter
Fee %Optional. Enter amount when 'Yes' is entered in Fee Statement
Benefit Plan TypeOptional. This field defines what benefit plan types and rates to be included in the letter
Include Other CoveragesOptional. If 'Yes', premium amounts for all available coverages on selected plans to be included in the letter
Instructions for ContinueOptional. This field defines the instructions for continue (i.e. 'please call HR' or 'please go to Self Service')
Closing ParagraphOptional. This field defines closing paragraph
Comp. ParagraphMandatory. This field defines com. paragraph
SenderMandatory. This field defines the name of the sender
Sender TitleOptional. This field defines the title of the sender
Sender PhoneOptional. This field defines the phone number of the sender
Sender ExtensionOptional. This field defines the phone number extension of the sender

Report Filters#

PersonThis field will limit the report to the people selected
People ListThis field will limit the report to the people lists selected
EntityThis field will limit the report to the entity listed
LocationThis field will limit the report to the locations selected
DepartmentThis field will limit the report to the departments selected
UnitThis field will limit the report to the units selected
GroupThis field will limit the report to the groups selected
JobThis field will limit the report to the jobs selected
PositionThis field will limit the report to the positions selected

Notes #

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