!!!COBRA Letter

RBCM - COBRA Benefits Options Letter for Terminated Employees. 

This report is not intended to serve employees who are still active.  This report is intended for terminated employees only.  

!!Report Parameters & Filters
!Report Parameters

|As of Date|Mandatory. This field defines the date as of which the COBRA letter is issued
|Terminated From/To Date|Mandatory. Selecting a range of dates allows to print several letters at a time for employees terminated between these dates
|Fee Statement|Optional. If 'Yes', Admin Fee notes will be added to the letter
|Fee %|Optional. Enter amount when 'Yes' is entered in Fee Statement
|Benefit Plan Type|Optional. This field defines what benefit plan types and rates to be included in the letter
|Include Other Coverages|Optional. If 'Yes', premium amounts for all available coverages on selected plans to be included in the letter
|Instructions for Continue|Optional. This field defines the instructions for continue (i.e. 'please call HR' or 'please go to Self Service')
|Closing Paragraph|Optional. This field defines closing paragraph
|Comp. Paragraph|Mandatory. This field defines com. paragraph
|Sender|Mandatory. This field defines the name of the sender
|Sender Title|Optional. This field defines the title of the sender
|Sender Phone|Optional. This field defines the phone number of the sender 
|Sender Extension|Optional. This field defines the phone number extension of the sender 

!Report Filters
|Person|This field will limit the report to the people selected
|People List|This field will limit the report to the people lists selected
|Entity|This field will limit the report to the entity listed
|Location|This field will limit the report to the locations selected
|Department|This field will limit the report to the departments selected
|Unit|This field will limit the report to the units selected
|Group|This field will limit the report to the groups selected
|Job|This field will limit the report to the jobs selected
|Position|This field will limit the report to the positions selected

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