!!!PRODUCE LEAVE POLICY PROFILE Users may print the [leave policies|LEAVE POLICIES] they have created using the Produce Leave Policy Profile (RALP) form. ---- !!Report Parameters & Filters ||Report Parameters|| |Print Details|Optional, yes or No, LOV available\\If <Yes> then the policy details (components, rules, etc.) will be displayed \\on the report, otherwise no details will display on the report. |As Of|Mandatory, Date, LOV available\\This field will identify the date from which the report will give information for. |User Comment|Text, Optional, Manual\\Users may enter a comment here that will appear on the selection criteria \\(header page) of the report. This is useful during testing phases to identify \\similar reports from each other. ||Report Filters|| |Leave Type|Mandatory, Multiple selections and LOV available\\This field will limit the report to the leave type indicated. |Leave Policy|Mandatory, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field will limit the report to the leave policy indicated. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.RALP] [{InsertPage page='Internal.RALP' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]