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The Employee Leave Balance (RALB) report provides a summary of the information contained in VALB.

Report Parameter Form
As Of DateLOV available
The records for this report will be selected up to and including the As Of Date supplied in this field.
Sort OptionMandatory, Lexicon available
This field determines how the report should be sorted, by department, group, or position, etc.

Report Filters
People List CodeOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified people lists.
Person CodeOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the employees specified by person code.
EntityOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field identifies the entity for which this report will be processed.
DepartmentOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified departments.
Org Level TypeOptional, LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified org level types.
Org Level CodeOptional, Multiple selection and Lexicon available
This field limits the report to the specified org levels.
UnitOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified units.
GroupOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified groups.
PayrollOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified payrolls.
Leave TypeOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified leave type.
StatusOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified status levels.