The Employee Leave Balance (RALB) report provides a summary of the information contained in [VALB].

The Windward report for RALB has seven default column headings that represent Leave Policy Type Codes. These columns will show leave time taken for leave policies associated with these Leave Types. There is a eighth column heading OTHER, which is a catchall for all other leave types not defined as column headers.

These heading can be customized so that clients may have their own selection of Leave Type columns in a specific order of their choosing. The page [Customizing RALB|CUSTOMIZING RADA AND RALB] explains how the RALB windward report may be customized. 

!!Report Parameters & Filters
||Report Parameters||
|Leave Year|Optional, LOV available\\The report will be produced for the leave year indicated in this field.
|As Of Date(EASD)|LOV available\\This 'As of Date' field is used to retrieve employee information (assignment information) from a specific time frame. It is not used to retrieve Attendance balance information from a specific date.  
|Break Level|Optional, LOV available\\The report will be sort and total based on this level selected – department, unit, org level. NOTE: this is only used in the Oracle report.
|Sort People By|Optional, Lexicon available\\This field determines how the report should be sorted, by person code, Last Name/First Name, Destin/Last/First. NOTE: this is only used in the Oracle report.
|Include Frozen Entitlement|Optional, <No/Yes>\\ If <Yes> then the report will include plans that have the [ENTITLEMENT_FROZEN] toggle on (bank is frozen and employee is not receiving their entitlement).
|User Comments|Optional, Text\\Users may enter a comment here that will appear on the selection criteria (header page) of the report. 
|Leave Type1….Leave Type 7|Optional, LOV available\\A leave type can be selected and reported on. Up to 7 Leave types can be selected. 

||Report Filters||
|People List Code|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified people lists.
|Person Code|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field limits the report to the employees specified by person code.
|Entity|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field identifies the entity for which this report will be processed.
|Location|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specific locations.
|Auth Area|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specific authorization levels.
|Department|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified departments.
|Org Level Type|Optional, LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified org level types.
|Org Level Code|Optional, Multiple selection and Lexicon available\\This field limits the report to the specified org levels.
|Unit|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified units.
|Group|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified groups.
|Payroll|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified payrolls.
|Employment Status|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified employment status levels.
|Leave Policy|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified leave policies.
|Leave Policy Type|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified leave type.
|Leave Policy Status|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified leave policy status.

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