!!Processing Information

The Leave Accrual Status Report (RAAS) screen allows you to ....
!!Report Parameters & Filters

||Report Parameters||
|Leave Policy Year|Mandatory, Text\\This field shows the leave policy year for which the report is being run.
|As of Date ([EASD])|Mandatory, Date, LOV available\\This field shows the date as of which the information for the report is run.
|Show Negative|Optional, LOV available, <YES/NO>
|Sort People by|Mandatory, LOV Available\\This field will indicate how the people information will be sorted.\\Person Code, Last Name, Government Code, Employment Type, Hire Date
|User Comment|Optional, Text\\This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.

||Report List Filters||
|People List|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Person|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Entity|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Location|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Auth Area|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Department|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Org Level Type|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Org Level Code|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Unit|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Group|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Payroll|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Employment Status|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Leave Policy|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Leave Policy Type|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Leave Policy Status|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available

[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

[{InsertPage page='Internal.RAAS' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}] 	
