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!!Processing Leave Lines In [IAAL]
This is a new process using [UPPAL] in place of the previous field in [UPTG] for Prior Leave Date.  You should run [UPTG] first and then [UPPAL]. [UPTG] is run for the current pay period and batch number are created.\\  \\ 
Next, [UPPAL] is run to process any leave lines in [IAAL] for prior leave.  [UPTR] will contain all of the batch numbers for both the [UPTG] and [UPPAL] created batches and will generate a new batch number for a single pay header containing all leave and regular pay, pay lines.

*Enter the pay period for the current pay. \\  \\
*Change the start date of the pay period to reflect the earliest leave date in [IAAL]. This creates multiple batches, one batch for each pay period generated. In addition, a pay period will be created for any leave date that falls in the period start/end dates.\\   \\
*You must approve these batches. Currently the Create as Approved option in [UPPAL] does not work, so you must approve the batches in [IPTR] before running [UPTR].

*Run [UPTR] for the current pay period, selecting all batch numbers which were generated for all leave and for the regular pay.\\
*Ensure that the field ‘Update Existing Pays’ is set to 'YES'.

*A single pay header will be generated with all of the prior date leave lines included.\\

%%information Any leave line processed from [IAAL] will show in the [IPPH] pay line as HR, so 1 Day in [IAAL] will show as 1 HR. In the pay line details, this is translated into the correct number of hours; so this example would show 7.5 HR in the pay line details.%%

%%information Any leave lines in [IAAL] that are processed by [UPPAL] must be ‘closed off’ by a pay run closing before you run [UPPAL] for any newly entered leave lines for the next pay period. If you do run [UPPAL] before closing a pay, you may pick these already processed leave lines up together with newly entered leave lines when [UPPAL] is run for the next period.%%

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