!!PT - Transactions To Date PC Value

On rare occasions, it may be necessary to know the value of the pay components for all the transactions in the pay period up to a given date. In this case, the PCPL (Pay Component Pay Line Value) operator and the PT (Transactions to Date PC Value) operand type may be used to access this information. All transactions with an effective date greater than or equal to the period start, and less than or equal to the given date, will be returned.

The PT operand type can only be used with the PCPL Operator.

Statement: If the total time worked by the 1st week of the biweekly pay period is greater than 30 hours for a part time employee, create a warning on the Exceptions Report.

||Line||CMD||OT||Operand 1||OPER||OT||Operand2||OT||Operand3||If Goto||	Else GoTo
|00010|	IF|	DB|	DGR.GROUP_CODE|	EQ|	A|	PART-TIME|			00100	99999
|00110|	LET	V	WK1 TIME WRKD	PCPL	PT	100	V	WK1 END DATE	00120	
|00120|	IF	V	WK1 TIME WRKD	GT	N	30			00200	99999
|00200|	MSG	A	PT EE >30 HRS WK1						99999	
|99999|	EXIT								99999