!!!EXAMPLES OF PRO ACTIVE WORKFLOW !!An employee’s student contact will be turning 25 years old next month. !IMWA ;[Action| EVENT_CODE ]: STUDENT 2 OLD ;[Status|EVENT_STATUS ]: In Production ;[Triggered in Product|WORKFLOW PRODUCTS]: WF_ECT ;[Action Directed To|EVENT_RECIPIENT_TYPE ]: Specific Employment ;[Type| EVENT_MEDIA]: Email ;[Type Reference| MEDIA_NAME ]: Admin@highlinecorp.com ;[Description |DESCRIPTION ]: An Employee's student has reasched the maximum age !IMWC ;[Data Source|DATA_SOURCE_NAME]: P2K_HR_CONTACTS ;[Where Clause|WHERE_CLAUSE_CODE]:OE STUDENT 2 OLD ;[Usage|WHERE_CLAUSE_USAGE]:User Defined ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: Student turning 25 next month ||[Type|CONDITION_TYPE] || [Predefined|PREDEFINED_CONDITION_CODE]|| [Column Name|COLUMN_NAME]||[Operator|COMPARISON_OPERATOR]||[Value|VALUE]||Format Symbols |Ad Hoc| |BIRTH_DATE|Is Not Null | |Ad Hoc| |BIRTH_DATE|Formatted Equals|<<AS_OF_DATE>>+1M-25y |MMyyyy |Ad Hoc| |STUDENT_INDICATOR|Is Not Null| !IMUC !!Remind employees the Open Enrollment period will be closing in a week’s time. !IMWA !IMWC !IMUC