PREMIUM_PRORATED is a toggle field which if toggled ON, any premium amount that is calculated will be multiplied by the Employee's [FTE] factor. If the premium prorate toggle is OFF, the Employee's [FTE] factor will not be included in the calculation. This is not applicable to Premium Calc rules that include time in the formula, as actual time worked is already included in those calculations. \\ \\ ''Example: A company pays for employees’ fitness memberships; a yearly amount of $400.00. All employees may sign up for the benefit, but part-time employees receive a pro-rated amount based on their Full Time Equivalency (FTE). As well, the company would like to pay the premium at the beginning of each month. The [ISPM] form would be set up as follows:''\\ \\ |Premium Rate| 400 |Rate Basis| YR |Premium Calc Rule| Flat Per Period |Frequency| Monthly (See notes on Frequency above) |Premium Prorated|check (on) ;:In this manner, an employee with an FTE value of 0.5 would receive $16.67 /month ($200/yr).