!!!Pension Components for Pension Activity (B0005 - B0299)

||PC Number||PC Name||Return Type||Description
|PN1000|  Service History|Service|Contributed Eligible Service
|PN1100|  Service Transferred|Service|Sum of Component PN0180
|PN1200|  Service for Unused Sick Time|Service|Accumulate
|PN1300|  Credited Service Factor|Factor|Credited Service Factor
|PN1500|  Eligible Service|Service|This component contains the total credited service used when computing pension benefit amounts
|PN1600|  Last Date of Service|Date|Date of latest service
|PN1700|  Termination Date|Date|Termination Date
|PN2000|  Average Wage|Annual Wage|Member annual wage for the purposes of calculating Monthly Retirement benefit
|PN2100|  First Annualized Wage|Annual Wage|This annualized wage is required for certain death benefit payments
|PN2200|  First Annualized Wage|Annual Wage|Last annualized base wage paid
|PN3000|   Total Contributions|Money|Employee Contribution Amount
|PN3100|   Interest|Money|Interest on member contributions
|PN3200|    Account Balance|Money|Member refund amount on withdrawal from the plan
|PN4100|    Retirement Date Rounding Method|Alphanumeric|This rule is applied to all computed Retirement dates.  It provides consistency in the resulting dates.  For example, always the first of the following month.
|PN4200|    Member Birth Year|Year|The year in which the contributing member was born (YYYY)
|PN4300|    SSNRD|Year|Date that the member would be eligible for unreduced Social Security benefits
|PN4310|    Member SSNRD Year|Year|Member Year of Full SS Eligibility
|PN4320|   Member SSNRD Age|Age|Member age on the date eligible for unreduced Social Security benefits (PN2350)
|PN4330|   Spouse SSNRD Age|Age|Contingent recipient age when member is at Social Security eligibility
|PN4400|    Basic Plan Multiplier|Factor|Basic Plan Multiplier - Multiplier used on years of service when computing monthly benefit amount
|PN4410|   SD Factor Before SSNRA|Factor|SSNRA Multiplier Up to SSCC - Used when computing Step Down amount.  This multiplier is used for benefit amounts up to the Social Security Covered Compensation amount
|PN4420|    SD Factor After SSNRA|Factor|SSNRA Multiplier Over SSCC - Used when computing Step Down amount.  This multiplier is used for benefit amounts OVER the Social Security Covered Compensation amount
|PN4500|   SSCC Amount|Annual Wage|Member Social Security Covered Compensation amount
|PN4600|   Member Age at Enrollment|Age|Member Age at Enrollment
|PN5000|   NRD Min Age Date|Date|NR - Minimum Age Date - Returns the date that the member would be eligible for normal retirement based on minimum age requirements as defined in the plan.
|PN5010|   NRD Min Service Date|Date|NR - Minimum Service Date - Returns the date that the member would achieve the minimum service requirement
|PN5020|   NRD Full Service Date|Date|NR - Full Service Date - Projected normal retirement date based on 
|PN5050|   NRD Projected Service|Date|NR - Projected Service - Amount of projected service between the Last Service date and the Normal Retirement date
|PN5100|   NRD Normal Ret Date|Date|Projected Normal Retirement date
|PN5200|   NRD Member Age|Age|Member's nearest age on the Normal Retirement date
|PN5250|   NRD CR Age|Age|NRD - Contingent Recipient Age
|PN5300|   NRD Credited Service|Service|NR - Credited service used in the calculation of Monthly Payment amount at the Proposed Retirement date
|PN5400|    NR - Actuarial Deficiency
|PN5500|    NR - Vested Factor
|PN5700|    NR - Member Benefit Unfactored
|PN5750|    NR - At SSNRA Unfactored
|PN5800|    NR - Member Benefit
|PN5810|    NR - Contingent Recipient Benefit
|PN5850|    NR - Member at SSNRA
|PN5860|    NR - Contingent Recipient at SSNRA
|PN6000|    ER - Minimum Age Date
|PN6010|    ER - Minimum Service Date
|PN6020|    ER - Full Service Date
|PN6050|    ER - Projected Service
|PN6100|    ER - Retire Date
|PN6150|    Earliest Retirement Method
|PN6200|    ER - Member Age
|PN6250|    ER - Contingent Recipient Age
|PN6300|    ER - Credited Service
|PN6400|    ER - Actuarial Deficiency
|PN6500|    ER - Vested Factor
|PN6600|    ER - Reduction Factor
|PN6700|    ER - Member Benefit Unfactored
|PN6750|    ER - At SSNRA Unfactored
|PN6800|    ER - Member Benefit
|PN6810|    ER - Contingent Recipient Benefit
|PN6850|    ER - At SSNRA
|PN6860|    ER - Contingent Recipient at SSNRA
|PN7000|    AR - Minimum Age Date
|PN7010|    AR - Minimum Service Date
|PN7020|    AR - Full Service Date
|PN7050|    AR - Projected Service
|PN7100|    AR - Retire Date
|PN7200|    AR - Member Age
|PN7250|    AR - Contingent Recipient Age
|PN7300|    AR - Credited Service
|PN7400|    AR - Actuarial Deficiency
|PN7500|    AR - Vested Factor
|PN7600|    AR - Reduction Factor
|PN7700|    AR - Member Benefit Unfactored
|PN7750|    AR - At SSNRA Unfactored
|PN7800|    AR - Member Benefit
|PN7810|    NR - Contingent Recipient Benefit
|PN7850|    AR - Member Benefit at SSNRA
|PN7860|    AR - Contingent Recipient at SSNRA
|PN7900|    Cost of Living Allowance
|PN8000|    Current Monthly Benefit
|PN8001|    Tax Exclusion
|PN9000|    Death Benefit
|PN9100|    Death Benefit Service Connected
|PN9500|    Test UserCalcs
|PN9999|    Evaluation Messages

![Notes|Edit:Internal.PN1000 to PN9999] 	
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