!!!Pension Components for Pension Activity (PN0010 - PN0210)

||PC Number||PC Name||Return Type||Description
|PN0010|Employee Contribution (Untaxed)|Money|Used to store and retrieve untaxed employee plan contribution amount
|PN0020|Employee Contribution (Taxed)|Money|Used to store and retrieve taxed employee plan contribution amount
|PN0060|BuyBack Contributions (Untaxed)|Money|Used to store and retrieve untaxed employee BuyBack contributions
|PN0070|BuyBack Contributions (Taxed)|Money|Used to store and retrieve taxed employee BuyBack contributions
|PN0080|Regular Hours Worked|Hours|Used to accumulate actual regular hours worked
|PN0090|Annualized Base Wage|Annual Wage|Annualized Base Wage
|PN0100|Base Wages Paid|Money|Used to store and retrieve base wage paid
|PN0110|Accumulated Sick Time|Hours|Activity to store the latest Sick Time Balance
|PN0150|Interest Adjustment|Money|Used to record adjustments for interest
|PN0170|Eligible Service Adjustment|Service|Will adjust the Eligible Service that is computed based on the Member Contributions
|PN0180|Eligible Service Transferred|Service|Eligible Service Transferred
|PN0190|Full Time Equivalent (FTE)|Date|Contains the factor (1 for full time) needed to compute benefit amounts for part time members
|PN0200|Cola Adjustment|Monthly Payment|Cola adjustment
|PN0210|Credited Service|Service|Service factor for an activity

![Notes|Edit:Internal.PN0010 to PN0210] 	
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