[{TableOfContents }] !!!PROCESS STATUS CHANGES (USING PA'S) The Process Status Changes screen allows you to process status changes using a personnel action. Process Status Changes data is stored in the [P2K_SA_PERSONNEL_ACTIONS], [P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS] and [P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS] tables. ;[PA #|PA_NUMBER]:This field displays the PA which will process the promotions. ;[Takes Effect|PA_EFFECTIVE_DATE]:The date the PA takes effect will be displayed in this field. ;[New Effect|NEW_EFFECTIVE]:This field displays the new date that the change is effective. ;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:This field provides the reason for the data change. ;[Initiate PA|ACT_INITIATE_PA]:This button will allows you to initiate a Personnel Action for the employee in focus. ;[Cancel PA|ACT_CANCEL_PA]:This button allows you to cancel the PA by pressing this button, once pressed the status will change to 'Cancelled'. !Assignment Information ;[Code| ;[Start Date| ;[End Date| !Status Information ;[Title| ;[Position| ;[Emp Status| ;[Job| ;[FTE| ;[Leave Date| ;[Leave Reason| ;[Return Date| ;[Statistic|STAT_CODE]:This field displays a user-defined code to uniquely identify the statistic within the system. ;[Abbreviation|STAT_ABBREVIATION]:This field displays a user-defined description of the statistic. ;[Type|STAT_TYPE]:This field classifies the statistic being defined into a specific type. ;[Action|STAT_ACTION]:This field allows you to indicate whether the system should either accumulate or replace the statistic. ;[Amount $|AMOUNT]:This field displays a numeric value for the statistic. Amount may be filled by either a value supplied by you or populated through payroll. \\ ;[Submit PA|ACT_SUBMIT_PA]:This is an action button which allows you to submit the PA for review. When pressed a dialog will appear asking you to verify the changes by pressing OK or Cancel. The status of the PA will then change to 'Submitted'. ;[Process PA|ACT_PROCESS_PA]:This is an action button which will update the employee's records with the changed detail of the PA. The status of the PA will be updated to 'Completed'. [{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated' ---- ![Discussion|Edit:Internal.PESTT] [{InsertPage page='Internal.PESTT' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}] }]