Table of Contents
The Process Status Changes screen allows you to process status changes using a personnel action.
Process Status Changes data is stored in the P2K_SA_PERSONNEL_ACTIONS, P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS and P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS tables.
- PA #
- This field displays the PA which will process the promotions.
- Takes Effect
- The date the PA takes effect will be displayed in this field.
- New Effect
- This field displays the new date that the change is effective.
- Change Reason
- This field provides the reason for the data change.
- Initiate PA
- This button will allows you to initiate a Personnel Action for the employee in focus.
- Cancel PA
- This button allows you to cancel the PA by pressing this button, once pressed the status will change to 'Cancelled'.
Assignment Information#
- Assignment
- This field defines the assignment associated with the status change.
- Start Date/End Date
- If the assignment is for a specific period, these fields define that time period.
Status Information#
- Title
- The title of the assignment associated with the status change is displayed in this field.
- Position
- The position associated with the status change is displayed in this field.
- Employment Status
- This field indicates an individual’s employment status as pending approval, active, on a leave of some type or terminated.
- Job
- This field shows the job that the employee is hired to perform.
- Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is a factor that indicates how an employee's weekly hours compare with the standard full time number of hours from the work rule, position, job or group. An FTE factor of 1.0000 indicates a full-time assignment, one of less than 1.0000 indicates a part-time assignment. The FTE is re-derived, if the weekly hours, the work rule or the job is changed.
- Leave Date
- This field shows the date the employee’s leave commences.
- Leave Reason
- A reason for the leave of absence may be entered here.
- Return Date
- This field shows the date the employee will return from the leave.
This is an action button which allows the user to submit the PA for review. When pressed a dialog will appear asking the user to verify the changes by pressing OK or Cancel. The status of the PA will then change to 'Submitted'.
The 'Submit PA' button will now force a SAVE on the form, if not already done.
- Process PA
- This is an action button which will update the employee's records with the changed detail of the PA. The status of the PA will be updated to 'Completed'.