[{TableOfContents }]


!Personnel Action Request
;[Change Reason|]:
;[Takes Effect|]:
;[PA Expiry Date|]:
;[New Effective|]:
;[Initiate PA|]:
;[Cancel PA|]:

!Assignment Information
;[Start Date|]:
;[End Date|]:
;[Next Review|]:
;[Renew Contract|]:
\\  \\
!!Definition tab
;[Work Rule|]:
;[Long Term Assignment|]:
;[Requires Time Sheet|]:

;[Provide Public Service|]:
;[Employment Status|]:
;[Leave Date|]:
;[Leave Reason|]:
;[Return Date|]:
;[Replaced By #|]:
;[Job Profile|]:
\\  \\
!!Compensation tab
;[O/R Work Calendar|]:
;[Contract Days|]:
;[School Days|]:
;[Contract Limit|]:
;[Periods Elected|]:
;[Start Date of Pay|]:
;[Scale Rate|]:
;[Wage Rate|]:
;[Fulltime Wage|]:
;[Out of Range|]:
;[Scale Overridden|]:
;[Trigger Retro Pay|]:
;[MNC Test (NL)|]:
;[MNC Test (UDF)|]:
\\  \\
!!Location tab
;[First Manager|]:
;[Supervised By|]:
;[Responsibility Level|]:
;[Service Rating|]:
;[Job Security Date|]:
;[Work Type|]:
;[WC Class|]:
;[Burden Method|]:
;[Burden Percent/Rate|]:
;[Auth Area|]:
;[Work Division|]:
;[Works in Location|]:
;[Jurisdiction Code|]:
;[Sent Pays to Location|]:
;[Web Pay Stub Only|]:
;[Phone #|]:
;[Phone Ext|]:
;[Work Cell Phone #|]:
\\  \\
!!Premiums tab
;[Premium Rate|]:
;[O/R Rate|]:
;[O/R Basis|]:
\\  \\
!!Distribution tab
;[Seq #|]:
;[Distribution Code|]:
;[Split Rule|]:
;[Distr %|]:
;[User %|]:
;[Amount $|]:
;[Start Date|]:
;[End Date|]:
;[Responsible Person|]:
;[Submit PA|]:
;[Process PA|]:

[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

[{InsertPage page='Internal.PEAS' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}] 	
