!!!P2K_SPGETYTD !Functionality This database function will return the year-to-date value of the pay components included in the indicated element for the specified employee. This function is not as flexible as [P2K_PPAMTS.SPPCTOT], as it gives only YTD values but it is a little easier to use. !Parameters: |PC_CODE |The actual Pay Component code (as a character) |YEAR |The year you are looking for the year todates for |EEM_ID |The ID for the employee's employment record (see also [P2K_STEEM]) !Returns: Number !Errors: If any invalid parameter is passed, then zero is returned !Example: {{P2K_SPGETYTD('1240',to_char(sysdate,'YYYY'),EEM_ID)}} ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.P2K_SPGETYTD] [{InsertPage page='Internal.P2K_SPGETYTD' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]