This database function will return the MEANING associated to a lexicon, given the value in the data base.  The P2K_SMGLX function will return the displayed value

|LEXICON_NAME  |The lexicon name (usually starts with X_ for High Line provided lexicons)
|LEXICON_VALUE |the value for the lexicon that is stored in the data base (aka saved value or low value)


If an invalid parameter is passed, then NULL is returned\\
If there is no value or record for that lexicon and value paid, then NULL is returned


{{P2K_SMGLXMN('X_GENDER',GENDER)}} will retrieve the meaning field, in [IMLN] of the lexicon X_GENDER for a saved value (in the data base) indicated by the field GENDER.

In a [Derivation Expression|DERIVATION_EXPRESSION] on [IDIF] you could specify the variable as the GENDER and then replace it in the reference to this function as {{P2K_SMGLXMN('X_GENDER',~)}}