!!!P2K_SMGETUDF !Functionality This database function will return the value associated to a specified [user defined field|USER DEFINED FIELD] (UDF) name, for a record in the specified table. !Parameters |TABLE_NAME |The complete table name that the UDF is attached to |UDF_NAME |The internal name for the UDF (defined on [IMUF]) |REFERENCE_ID|The ID for the record from the table (in parameter 1) that has the UDF attached !Returns: Varchar2(2000) !Errors: If an invalid parameter is passed, then NULL is returned\\ If there is no value or record for that UDF/Reference ID, then NULL is returned !Examples: {{P2K_SMGETUDF('P2K_HR_PERSONALS','EPS01',eps_id)}} will retrieve the value of the UDF EPS01 associated to the record in P2K_HR_PERSONALS where the ID = the EPS_ID passed In a [derivation expression|DERIVATION_EXPRESSION] on [IDIF] you could specify the variable as the EPS_ID and then replace it in the reference to this function as {{P2K_SMGETUDF('P2K_HR_PERSONALS','EPS01',~)}} ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.P2K_SMGETUDF] [{InsertPage page='Internal.P2K_SMGETUDF' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]