This database function will return the value associated to a specified [user defined field|USER DEFINED FIELD] (UDF) name, for a record in the specified table.

|TABLE_NAME  |The complete table name that the UDF is attached to. Tables should be entered in UPPER case.
|UDF_NAME    |The internal name for the User Defined Field (defined on [IMUF]). UDF name shoould be enetered in UPPER case.
|REFERENCE_ID|The ID for the record from the table (in parameter 1) that has the UDF attached


If an invalid parameter is passed, then NULL is returned\\
If there is no value or record for that UDF/Reference ID, then NULL is returned


{{P2K_SMGETUDF('P2K_HR_PERSONALS','EPS01',eps_id)}} will retrieve the value of the UDF EPS01 associated to the record in P2K_HR_PERSONALS where the ID = the EPS_ID passed

In a [derivation expression|DERIVATION_EXPRESSION] on [IDIF] you could specify the variable as the EPS_ID and then replace it in the reference to this function as {{P2K_SMGETUDF('P2K_HR_PERSONALS','EPS01',~)}}

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