!!!P2K_SMGCD !Functionality: This database function will return the actual code value for a specific ID, upon identifying the source table. !Parameters: |CODE_ID | The actual ID field within the database |TABLE_ALIAS | This is the abbreviation for the table (you can see this in [IMTD]) for the corresponding code !Returns: Varchar2(30) !Errors: If an invalid parameter is passed, then NULL is returned If there is no value or record for that ID and alias pair, then NULL is returned !Example: {{P2K_SMGCD(DPS_ID,'DPS')}} !Table Aliases Supported (as at Jun 1, 2008 – more may be added with each release) |ALPC| |ALPT| |ALP | |AAC | |AAR | |MCD | |MUC | |MUS | |MNT | |MEX | |MFG | |MPD | |MTD | |MLN | |MLQ | |MFN | |MMI | |MMS | |MMU | |MRO | |MCT | |MUF | |MVD | |MWA | |MDAO| |MWC | |BBCR| |BBC | |BPN | |BCGC| |BCG | |BRM | |BPT | |BBR | |CCCU| |CCC | |CCG | |CDA | |CDP | |CRSC| |CRS | |CTS | |DAA | |DCC | |DCN | |DCO | |DCR | |DDP | |DEN | |DLN | |DES | |DFDF| |DGC | |DGF | |DGR | |DGS | |DGVS| |DGV | |DHC | |DPS | |DIN | |DJB | |DLN | |DSC | |DSD | |DSP | |DTC | |DTR | |DTX | |DUN | |DWC | |DWR | |DCD | |DCL | |DIF | |DOL | |DFD | |DOC | |EAS_PERSON| returns [PERSON_CODE] for the employee whose record is being looked at |EAS | |ECT | |EID | |EPL | |EEM | returns [PERSON_CODE] for the employee whose record is being looked at |FBP | |FBU | |FAS | |FBSD| returns the [BUDGET_SEAT_CODE] concatenated with the Julian date of the effective date |FBS | |FBR | |FCA | |FSN | |FVP | |HIN | |HHI | |LDT | |LDI | |LGR | |LGV | |LIT | |PFQ | |PEL | |PPC | |PPCD| |PPA | |PPP | |PCT | |PRN | |PBT | |PPTS| |PBL | |PBA | |PCL | |PCU | |PPH | |PCC | returns the [TAX_CLAIM_TYPE] concatenated with the [TAX_CLAIM_CODE] (hyphen separated) |PCRD| |PLPL| |PJE | |PWC | |RAP | |RAS | |RCA | |RRE | |RJP | |RPO | |RQS | |RQU | |RSTP| |RST | |SRT | |SRV | |SSR | |SPA | |SPM | |SPT | |SPYC| |SPY | |SWSS| |SWSR| |SWS | |TBT | |TES | |TRT | |TSS | |TTE | |TTP | returns [WORK_TEAM_CODE] ‘ with ranking ‘ [STATION_POST_RANK] |TTX | |TWA | |TWD | |TWSP| |TWS | |TWT | |XPN | |XPO | |XPC | |XPCR| |XPCT| |XPT | |XST | |XPA |