!!Salary Range Information !Functionality: This function retrieves information as seen on ISSR, for a given Salary range !Parameters: |SSR_ID | The actual ID for the salary range record you are getting data for |WHAT | Identifies which field in the P2K_SA_SALARY_RANGES or P2K_SA_SALARY_RANGE_DETAILS table you wish to retrieve. If a column exists in both tables (like CHANGE_USER) then the value from the P2K_SA_SALARY_RANGES is used. |AS_OF | ''Optional''. The effective date you want the salary range detail for. If not provided, the current date is used !WHAT Parameter Values * Any field name from [P2K_SA_SALARY_RANGES] * Any field name from [P2K_SA_SALARY_RANGE_DETAILS] !Returns: Varchar2 (regardless of the type of data being requested) !Errors: * {{*BAD EID_ID }} When there is no identity record with the ID provided * {{*BAD WHAT }} When the WHAT parameter is not one of the values supported !Example: {{P2K_PU.SSR(P2K_PU.GC(~,'SSR_ID'),'RANGE_MIDPOINT',P2K_PU.GC(~,'EFFECTIVE'))}} - Using Assignment ID as the passed parameter (~) ;:Will return the Range Midpoint for the salary range from an employee's assignment record ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.P2K_PU.SSR] [{InsertPage page='Internal.P2K_PU.SSR' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]