!!Payment Rules Information !Functionality: This function retrieves information as seen on IPPM, for an employee's payment rules. !Parameters: |EEM_ID | The actual ID for the employment record of the employee you are getting data for |WHAT | Identifies which element of the IPPM display you want to access. This must be one of the following:\\BANK_ACCOUNT, BANK_TRANSIT_CODE, BANK_NAME, BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE, AMOUNT, SPLIT_SEQUENCE, NET_PAY_PERCENT, PAY_REMAINING, PAID_TO_ORDER_OF |SPLIT_SEQUENCE| Identifies which split sequence you want to access. This must be one of the following: \\FIRST,LAST,PAY REMAIN,or a number from 1 to 999. This parameter is optional, and if not provided will default to FIRST. If a number (1 to 999) is provided, this reflects an ordinal number (1 is first, 2 is second, etc. rather than looking for an exact match for sequence number) |AS_OF | This optional parameter provides a date frame to retrieve the data. If it is not provided, the current system date will be used. !Returns: Varchar2 (regardless of the type of data being requested) !Errors: * If an invalid WHAT parameter is passed, then __BAD WHAT__is returned * If bad data, or no data is found then __ERROR__ is returned !Example: {{P2K_PU.PPR(~,'BANK_TRANSIT_CODE','PAY REMAIN')}} Will return the [BANK_TRANSIT_CODE] for the payment rules record that is marked with the [PAY_REMAINING] toggle on. !Notes If PAY_REMAINING is selected as the WHAT parameter, then the value returned will either be __1__ if the toggle is on, or __N__ if the toggle is off. The data in the database is actually 1 or NULL.