Retrieve the ID of a pay period for an employee#


This function retrieves the ID for a pay period given the assignment ID of an employee and a date


EAS ID The ID of the employee's assignment
AS OF Optional. Provides a date frame to retrieve the data. If it is not provided, the current system date will be used.

Returns: #


Errors: #

  • None. If no record can be found (due to bad parameters or missing pay calendar information) NULL is returned

Example: #


will return the ID of the pay period for the employee's payroll that contains 31 Dec 2012

You can then use the P2K_PU.GC function to get information from the P2K_PR_PAY_CALENDARS table based on the ID return. For example:


You could also use P2K_PU.GET_EASD if you didn't know the EAS_ID and work back to get it, using the GC function.


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