!!Get Employee P2K_PU.GET_EAS

!Functionality: Determine the [EAS_ID] from the [P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS] table using the [EEM_ID], an [ASSIGNMENT_CODE]


|EEM_ID     | ''Required''. The [EEM_ID] for the employment.
|ASSIGNMENT_CODE   | ''Optional''. The [ASSIGNMENT_CODE] as defined on the [P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS] table for the matching [EEM_ID]. If not provided then the value '00' is used. 


* If no [EAS_ID] can be found a null value will be returned
* If TOo_MANY_ROWS than -1 will be returned
* All other errors will result in a 0 



will get the [EAS_ID] value for the passed [EEM_ID] and [ASSIGNMENT_CODE] '00'. 


will get the EEM_ID value for the passed [EEM_ID] and [ASSIGNMENT_CODE] 'PRIMARY'. 


will determine the correct [EEM_ID] as of the provided date for an employees with the [EMPLOYMENT_TYPE] of '01-Employee'. It will then capture the [EAS_ID] from the passed [EEM_ID] and matching [ASSIGNMENT_CODE] of '02'

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