!!Get Employee GET_BBR !Functionality: The purpose of this function is to capture the [BBR_ID] from the [P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS] table. Given a specific benefit [PLAN_CODE] and an as of date determine if an contact is set up as a recipient in the specified plan. If they are then return the ID from the [P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS] table. If they are not, then null will be returned. !Parameters: |ECT_ID |''Required''. The ID from the P2K_HR_CONTACTS table for the person in which to the Employment ID in which the pay info is to be recovered |PLAN_CODE |''Required''. Plan Code from [IBPN] |AS_OF_DATE |''Optional''. The as of date to be used (DD-MON-YYYY) to qualify the record on the [P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS] table. The Sysdate will be used if left blank. !Returns: Numeric !Errors: * If the recipient is not found then 0 is returned * The contact ID cannot be found -1 is returned * The plan cannot be found -2 is returned * If too many recipient records are found then -3 is returned * If no enrollments are found then -4 is returned !Example: FUNCTION GET_BBR(~,'MEDICAL','01-Jan-2017') Using the [ECT_ID] as the ~ parameter, this will return the [BBR_ID] associated to the contact if there is a record found on the [P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS] table as of the date provided. !Notes ----