Personals Information#


This function retrieves information as seen on IEPI, for an employee's personal information.


EPS_ID The actual ID for the personal record belonging to the employee you are getting data for
WHAT Identifies which data you wish to retrieve

WHAT Parameter Values#

  • Any field name from P2K_HR_PERSONALS
  • PREV.xxxx - Any field name from P2K_HR_PERSONALS. The value returned will be the value from the immediately preceding effective record on that table. If there is no immediately preceding effective record, then NULL will be returned.
  • NEXT.xxxx - Any field name from P2K_HR_PERSONALS. The value returned will be the value from the immediately following effective record on that table. If there is no immediately followingeffective record, then NULL will be returned.

Returns: #

Varchar2 (regardless of the type of data being requested)

Errors: #

  • *BAD EPS_ID When there is no assignment detail record with the ID provided
  • *BAD WHAT When the WHAT parameter is not one of the values supported

Example: #


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