!!Get Federal/State EIN Code !Functionality: This function retrieves the [GOVT_REGIST_NUMBER] from [IDGV] for the matching [GOVT_REGIST_TYPE], for the government registration set indicated by the level. !Parameters: |REGIST_TYPE |is a value from the lexicon [GOVT_REGIST_TYPE] |DGR_ID |is a group ID that will identify a specific registration set, and will give us a specific registration, or 0 (zero) |EEM_ID |is an employment ID that will be used to identify the group by finding the primary assignment, or 0 (zero) |LEVEL |is one of 'FED' (federal), 'STA' (state), to determine which registration set to pursue for registration numbers |REF_CODE |is one of the Country Code or State Code to match the levels above |AS_OF |is the effective date that will be used to find the correct group detail / assignment detail record. defaults to current date. !Returns: Varchar2 (regardless of the type of data being requested) !Errors: Error: No DGR/EEM Error: Bad Level Error: Bad Type Error: Cannot find DGR/EEM Error: Bad Data finding DGR/EEM Error: No Registration Set at that level Error: Cannot find Registration !Example: {{P2K_PU.EIN_CODE('0251',~,0,'STA','MD')}} Will return the EIN for State Unemployment, for the state of Maryland for the employee whose ID is replaced by the ! {{P2K_PU.EIN_CODE('0261',~,0,'STA',[320221])}} When used in UPPHF/UEEF interface definition will get the EIN for State Disability for the state identified in the employee's pay header. !Notes One of DGR_ID or EEM_ID above must be supplied. If both are supplied, the DGR_ID parameter will take precedence ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.P2K_PU.EIN_CODE] [{InsertPage page='Internal.P2K_PU.EIN_CODE' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]