!!Contact Information !Functionality: This function retrieves information as seen on IECT, for an employee's dcontact. !Parameters: |EID_ID | The actual ID for the employee you are getting data for |CONTACT_TYPE | The [contact type|CONTACT_TYPE] from the contact's roles that will be searched |WHAT | Identifies which element of the contact information you are looking for |COUNTER | ''Optional''. In the event of multiple contacts with the same role type, this identifies the sequential number of the contact which will be retrieved (ordered by ID - entered order). If not provided, 1 will be used. !WHAT Parameter Values * Any field name from the [P2K_HR_CONTACTS] table * {{__COUNT__}} - Will return how many contacts are have the role type specified !Returns: Varchar2 (regardless of the type of data being requested) !Errors: * {{*BAD EID_ID}} When there is no employee with that ID * {{*BAD CONTACT_TYPE}} When the CONTACT_TYPE value is invalid * {{*BAD WHAT}} When the WHAT parameter is not one of the values supported * {{*NOT ENOUGH CONTACTS}} When you have asked for more contacts of that type than there are (COUNTER > Count of records of that type) !Example: {{P2K_PU.ECT(~,'01','BIRTH_DATE')}} Will return the [BIRTH_DATE] for the first spouse found. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.P2K_PU.ECT] [{InsertPage page='Internal.P2K_PU.ECT' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]