Benefit Enrollment Information#


This function retrieves information as seen on IBEN, for an employee's benefit enrollment.


EEM_ID The actual ID for the employment record of the employee you are getting data for
PLAN_CODE The plan code you are retrieving
WHAT Identifies which element of the IBEN display you want to access. This must be one of the values as noted below.
AS_OF Optional. Provides a date frame to retrieve the data. If it is not provided, the current system date will be used.
FLAGS Optional. If set to "N" will return values for un-enrolled records. Otherwise only Enrolled records are retrieved,

WHAT Parameter Values#

COVERAGE_CODE The actual coverage code that the employee is enrolled in
COVERAGE_STEP_CODE The coverage step code that the employee is enrolled in
PLAN_REG_NUMBER The plan registration number from the employee's enrollment record
ELIGIBILITY_START_DATE The eligibility start date of the employee's enrollment
ELIGIBILITY_END_DATE The eligibility end date of the employee's enrollment
PREMIUM_START_DATE The premium start date of the employee's enrollment
PREMIUM_END_DATE The premium end date of the employee's enrollment
BC-Bnnnn Returns the AMOUNT or AMOUNT_OVERRIDE for the component value where nnnn is the benefit component code
ON_SCHEDULE Returns "N" if the employee is not eligible for this plan (due to IBSC schedule restrictions) otherwise a "Y"

Returns: #

Varchar2 (regardless of the type of data being requested)

Errors: #

  • If the employee is not enrolled as of the date specified, and the FLAGS parameter is set to "Y" (default) then NULL is returned
  • If an invalid PLAN_CODE parameter is passed, then NO SUCH PLAN is returned
  • If no Enrollment record is found for that employee/plan combination, then NO ENROLLMENT is returned
  • If no enrollment detail information is found as of the date specified (corrupt data), then NO BEN DETAIL is returned
  • If a bad benefit component code is provided, then BAD BC CODE is returned
  • If the BC Code provided does not appear in the enrollment record (plan definition), then NO BC CODE is returned
  • If an invalid WHAT parameter is provided, then BAD WHAT is returned.

Example: #


Will return the ELIGIBILITY_START_DATE for the employee's VISION plan enrollment record.


Will return the deduction amount BC-B1040 for the employee's MED KAISER FLEX


If a Benefit Component value is requested, the AMOUNT_OVERRIDE will be returned. If this field is zero or NULL, then the AMOUNT field will be returned.

If you want to retrieve records even if the employee is no longer enrolled in the plan, then set the FLAGS parameter to "N"


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