!!Benefit Enrollment Information

This function retrieves information as seen on IBEN, for an employee's benefit enrollment.


|EEM_ID        | The actual ID for the employment record of the employee you are getting data for
|PLAN_CODE     | The plan code you are retrieving
|WHAT          | Identifies which element of the IBEN display you want to access.  This must be one of the following:\\COVERAGE_CODE, COVERAGE_STEP_CODE, PLAN_REG_NUMBER, ENROLLMENT_STATUS, ELIGIBILITY_START_DATE, ELIGIBILITY_END_DATE, PREMIUM_START_DATE, PREMIUM_END_DATE\\You can also access Benefit Component values by specifying __BC-B''nnnn''__ where ''nnnn'' is the benefit component code
|AS_OF         | This optional parameter provides a date frame to retrieve the data.  If it is not provided, the current system date will be used.
|FLAGS         | This optional parameter controls aspects of the data retrieval.  See below.

Varchar2  (regardless of the type of data being requested)

* If the employee is not enrolled as of the date specified, and the FLAGS parameter is set to "Y" (default) then NULL is returned
* If an invalid PLAN_CODE parameter is passed, then __NO SUCH PLAN__is returned
* If no Enrollment record is found for that employee/plan combination, then __NO ENROLLMENT__ is returned
* If no enrollment detail information is found as of the date specified (corrupt data), then __NO BEN DETAIL' is returned
* If a bad benefit component code is provided, then __BAD BC CODE__ is returned
* If the BC Code provided does not appear in the enrollment record (plan definition), then __NO BC CODE__ is returned
* If an invalid WHAT parameter is provided, then __BAD WHAT__ is returned.



Will return the [ELIGIBILITY_START_DATE] for the employee's VISION plan enrollment record.

{{P2K_PU.BEN(~,'MED KAISER FLEX','BC-B1040')}}

Will return the deduction amount [BC-B1040] for the employee's MED KAISER FLEX

If a Benefit Component value is requested, the [AMOUNT_OVERRIDE] will be returned.  If this field is zero or NULL, then the [AMOUNT] field will be returned.

If you want to retrieve records even if the employee is no longer enrolled in the plan, then set the FLAGS parameter to "N"