Get Employee AAL_TODATE#


The purpose of this function is to capture the values from the IALA "Previous Evaluations" tab that have been processed within the date range specified.


EEM_ID Required.The EEM_ID from P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS belonging to the employee to be processed
LEAVE_TYPE Required.The LEAVE_TYPE_CODE defined on P2K_AT_LEAVE_POLICY_TYPES in which leave lines are to be captured
AC_CODE Required.The AC_CODE as defined on P2K_AT_ATTENDANCE_COMPONENTS (ie, A290,A300,etc.)
START Optional The earliest start date from the P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINESto be included. (Sysdate will be used if left blank)
END Optional The latest end date from the P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES to be included. (Sysdate will be used if left blank)

Returns: #


Errors: #

Example: #

Using the EEM_ID as the parameter, this will return leave lines values linked to the LEAVE_TYPE_CODE 'VACATION' and the AC_CODE A290 that can be seen on the IALA leave history tab that have a START_DATE that falls between '01-Jan-2017 and 31-Jan-2017'

Using the EEM_ID as the parameter, this will return leave lines values linked to the LEAVE_TYPE_CODE 'VACATION' and the AC_CODE A300 that can be seen on the IALA leave history tab that have a START_DATE that falls on the current system date

Using the EEM_ID as the parameter, this will return leave lines values linked to the LEAVE_TYPE_CODE 'SICK' and the AC_CODE A300 that can be seen on the IALA leave history tab that have a START_DATE that falls between '01-DEC-2017' and the current system date
