
Unique Keys: [LCM_ID] (Complaint] + [PARTICIPANT_TYPE] + __one of__ [EID_ID] (Employee) __or__ [ECT_ID] (Contact)\\
Parent Table: [P2K_LR_COMPLAINTS]\\

This table contains information on the participants associated to each complaint.\
!!Table Columns
||Column name||Data Type / Size||Domain||Mand.||Notes
|[LCM_ID]|Number(10)|[ID]|Y|Part of [P2K_LR_COMPLAINTS]
|[EID_ID]|Number(10)|[ID]|[ARC|1]|For [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]
|[ECT_ID]|Number(10)|[ID]|[ARC|1]|For [P2K_HR_CONTACTS]
|[PARTICIPANT_TEXT]|Varchar2(4000)|[VARCHAR4000|VARCHARnn]| |
|[SETTLEMENT_AMOUNT]|Number(18)|[AMT12V6|AMTnn]| |

!![Derived Fields|DERIVED FIELDS]
||Column Name

User Fields: Allowed\\
Audit Logging: Allowed\\
;:[ARC|#1] Only one of ECT_ID or EID_ID must be used to indicate the participant record (mandatory)

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