The purpose of this function is the same as the UC function [ELPL]. The difference is that this function will cross employments for the employee and [ELPL] will only look at amounts inside of the current employment. \\This function will need to be added to each database manually in order to be used. ============================= -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Function P2K_CF_FMLAHRS -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "P2K"."P2K_CF_FMLAHRS" RETURN NUMBER AS \\ --20140716 - KHIGSS - Modify to pick up globals. Reworked to focus on Paylines \\ -- - and not Headers \\ --20140417 - IH - modify to pick up globals and make use of an \\ -- - element in place of hard coded PPC_IDs \\ --20140411 - - initial creation \\ \\ --Purpose - The purpose of this function is the same as the UC function ELPL \\ -- - The difference is that this function will cross employments for \\-- - the employee and elpl will only look at amounts inside of the -- - current employment. --Setup - The following set up is requried in the referencing UC -- - Global variables - setup and initialized -- - G_EL_BEGIN_DATE - Date -- - G_EL_END_DATE -Date -- - G_ELEMENT -Char --Return - This function will return a NUMBER of hours in the element that -- -have occured between the begin and end dates. -- -If the NUMBER returned is negative then an error condition has -- -occured. -- - -999 problem wiht the begin date -- - -998 problem with the end date -- - -997 problem with the element -- - -996 problem with the return select v_fmlahrs NUMBER; v_begin_id Number; v_end_id Number; v_pel_id Number; v_eid Number; BEGIN p2k_smerl(P2K_PMWRKFLW.kmex_id,'P2K_CF_FMLAHRS',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Version: 20140716'); BEGIN SELECT ID INTO v_begin_id FROM p2k_am_user_calc_globals mucg WHERE GLOBAL_NAME = 'G_EL_BEGIN_DATE'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN -999; END; BEGIN SELECT ID INTO v_end_id FROM p2k_am_user_calc_globals mucg WHERE GLOBAL_NAME = 'G_EL_END_DATE'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN -998; END; BEGIN SELECT id INTO v_pel_id FROM p2k_am_user_calc_globals mucg WHERE GLOBAL_NAME = 'G_ELEMENT'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN -997; END; v_eid :=; BEGIN SELECT SUM(ENTERED_VALUE) INTO v_fmlahrs FROM P2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS PPH, P2K_PR_PAY_LINES PPL, P2K_PR_PAY_LINE_DETAILS PPLD WHERE PPH.ID = PPL.PPH_ID AND PPL.ID = PPLD.PPL_ID AND PPH.EEM_ID in (SELECT EEM.ID FROM P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS EEM WHERE EEM.EID_ID = v_eid) AND PPL.START_DATE BETWEEN p2k_pmucutil.m_global(v_begin_id).date_field and p2k_pmucutil.m_global(v_end_id).date_field AND PPLD.PPC_ID IN ( SELECT PELD.PPC_ID FROM P2K_PR_ELEMENTS PEL, P2K_PR_ELEMENT_DETAILS PELD WHERE PEL.ID = PELD.PEL_ID AND PEL.ELEMENT_CODE = p2k_pmucutil.m_global(v_pel_id).char_field); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN -996; END; RETURN v_fmlahrs; END P2K_CF_FMLAHRS; /