!!OT NTH CNS DAY - Overtime Nth Consecutive Day

!!Time Rule Overview
This time rule will grant an employee overtime for the hours worked, on the nth consecutive worked day of the week, that exceed the number of hours defined in the Band.

!!Requirements / Features
Start of the week is determined in the following order:

* The first day of the week defined in the work rule
* WK START OF DAY time rule, if it is defined
* Shift Pattern/Work Calendar start day, if the Day field has the Week Start Date defined

Once the start of the week is determined, each day is counted to determine how many consecutive days the employee worked in the workweek until the current work day.

!!Additional Info 
* Frequency predefined as Every Day

The time rule should be set up in [IDWR] as shown below. 

| |Every Day|1380| |Minimum # of hours worked to qualify [1]|No|No|Nth consecutive worked day of the week|Allowed [2]|Allowed|Allowed| |Allowed|Add/Replace

[1] If the current date is the nth consecutive worked day in a workweek, the system will apply the overtime for the hours that are above the amount defined in the Band.
* If the Band is zero, the system will apply overtime for the entire day
* If the Band is greater than zero, the system will apply the overtime for the hours above the minimum hours worked on the workweek

[2] Week Start date

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