The Oracle Data Dictionary contains information about data base objects, users and events. You can access this information through these views of the data dictionary. ||View ||Description |[USER_ROLE_PRIVS] |Roles granted to the user. |[USER_TABLES] aka TABS|Description of the user's own tables. |[USER_TAB_COLUMNS] aka COLS|Columns of user's tables, views and clusters. |[USER_TAB_PRIVS] |Grants on objects for which the user is the owner, grantor or grantee |[USER_VIEWS] |Test of views owned by the user. |[USER_TRIGGERS] |Descriptions of the user's triggers |[USER_OBJECTS] aka OBJ|Objects owned by the user |[USER_INDEXES] aka IND|Description of the user's own indexes |[USER_IND_COLUMNS] |Columns of the user's indexes or on user's tables |[USER_SEQUENCES] |Description of the user's own sequences |[USER_SOURCE] | The text source of the stored objects