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  • There are many messages in the Benefit Open Enrollment facility that can be translated to a different language or edited to suit your business needs.
  • Messages are only created once they have been issued in the program, therefore they will only display in IMMS once they have been created (issued). Once the message code and text are displayed in IMMS, they can be translated.
  • Please review USING TRANSLATIONS for more information on how to use the translations functionality.

The following are the message codes, their descriptions and where they are used in the Open Enrollment facility.

Message CodeMessage TextDisplayed In
BBR_00002Your elected student <<CONTACT_NAME>> is older than the coverage's Maximum Student Age restriction of <<MAXIMUM_STUDENT_AGE>>WEBOEE & IBPOE
BBR_00003Your elected child <<CONTACT_NAME>> is older than the coverage's Maximum Child Age restriction of <<MAXIMUM_CHILD_AGE>>WEBOEE & IBPOE
BBR_00004Coverage requires that <<CONTACT_NAME>> be a child recipient.WEBOEE & IBPOE
BBR_00005This coverage requires benefit recipients be elected.WEBOEE & IBPOE
BBR_00006<<CONTACT_NAME>> for plan <<PLAN_CODE>> has a future dated recipient record. The recipient record will not be updated with this Open Enrollment. Please review <<EMPLOYEE_NAME>>'s election changes and update the recipient record accordinglyIBPOE & UBPOE
BBR_00007<<CONTACT_NAME>> for plan <<PLAN_CODE>> cannot be changed. Please review <<EMPLOYEE_NAME>>'s election changes and update the recipient record accordinglyIBPOE & UBPOE
BBR_00008Your elected recipient <<CONTACT_NAME>> is older than the coverage's Maximum Disabled Age restriction of <<MAXIMUM_DISABLED_AGE>>.WEBOEE & IBPOE
BEPS_00001This Coverage allows a maximum of <<BCG_ID.NUMBER_RECIPIENTS>> benefit recipient(s) to participate.WEBOEE & IBPOE
BEPS_00002A required plan cannot be declined.IBPOE
BEPS_00003This coverage requires an answer to all of the mandatory questions in the <<ASSESSMENT_DESCRIPTION>> in order to pass the validation processWEBOEE & IBPOE
BEPS_00004This coverage requires you to answer the questions in the <<ASSESSMENT_DESCRIPTION>> in order to pass the validation process and submit your electionsWEBOEE & IBPOE
BEPS_00005This coverage requires an amount to be specifiedWEBOEE & IBPOE
BEPS_00006Evidence Required for this coverage. Please upload the required documentsWEBOEE & IBPOE
BEPS_00007Grand TotalWEBOEE
BET_00001Enter life event information.WEBEV
BEV_00001The Event Date is too far into the past. Please contact your Benefit Administrator to discuss an Open Enrollment PeriodWEBEV & IBEV
BEV_00002Your event has been recorded. This type of event requires proof, please navigate to the Pending Proof tab to upload the required documentation. Your Benefit Administrator will be in contact to discuss an Open Enrollment Period.WEBEV & IBEV
BEV_00003Event <<BET_ID.BE_EVENT_TYPE_CODE>> has been submitted.WEBEV & IBEV
BEV_00004A record has already been created for Event Type: <<BE_EVENT_TYPE_CODE>> Employee: <<PERSON_CODE>> and Event Date: <<BE_EVENT_DATE>>IBEV & WEBEV
BEV_00005The Election Opened and Closed Dates for the corresponding Open Enrollment will also be updated with the new Event Date.IBEV
BOEE_00002A decision must be made for the plan set <<DRV_PLAN_ELECTION_SET_CODE>>.WEBOEE & IBPOE
BOEE_00003A decision must be made for the plan <<DRV_PLAN_ELECTION_SET_CODE>>.WEBOEE & IBPOE
BOEE_00005By submitting your benefit elections you will no longer be able to make changes to your elections. Please ensure that all of the information is correct before pressing submit.WEBOEE & IBPOE
BOEE_00006You cannot submit the open enrollment until all of the election options are valid.WEBOEE & IBPOE
BOEE_00007All of the elections have passed the validation process. You may now submit the open enrollment.WEBOEE & IBPOE
BOEE_00008One or more elections have failed the validation process. Please review each plan for any indicated corrections you need to make.WEBOEE & IBPOE
BOEE_00009Press OK to re-open all of the plans for the current Open Enrollment.IBPOE
BOEE_00010You cannot submit the open enrollment until you provide a reason for declineWEBOEE & IBPOE
BOEE_00011Open Enrollment for <<FIRST_NAME>> <<LAST_NAME>>, ( <<PERSON_CODE>> ) Event Type: <<BE_EVENT_TYPE_CODE>> Coverage Effective: <<COVERAGE_EFFECTIVE>> has a stage of <<ELECTION_STAGE>>IDVAR
BOEE_00012Benefit elections have been successfully submittedWEBOEE & IBPOE

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