!Time Rules Table: P2K_TS_TIME_RULE_TYPES - [ITRT]

Offset the holiday paid rewarded if the EE has leave in a work day before or after the holiday.

*If a leave day is found immediately before or after a holiday then the employee will not be entitled to the holiday paid time, as a result the awarded holiday paid time will be offset by this rule
*Time Code should be the time code that is used when the holiday time is generated so that the Time Rule knows which Time Code is to be offset
*Target Time Code Set should contain the Work time codes so that it can help identify the work days
*Apply Time Code Set should contain the Leave time codes so it can help identify the leave days
*The timeframe to look back/forward from the holiday is by default 4 days. However, this can be overridden by defining the wanted number of days in the Value field in the time rule. 

||[Band|QUALIFYING_BAND]||[From|FROM_CLOCK_TIME]||[To|TO_CLOCK_TIME] ||[Value|TIME_RULE_VALUE]||[Day Of Week |DAY_OF_WEEK]||[Time Code|TIME_CODE]||[Premium |PREMIUM_CODE]||[Action|TIME_RULE_ACTION]||[Target Time Code Set|IDTCS]||[Apply Time Code Set|IDTCS]
|Zero|No|No|Max # of days to look back/forward, default is 4 days|No|Allowed Holiday Time TC|No|Replace|Allowed (Work Type Time Codes)|Allowed (Leave Type Time Codes)

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