High Line Corporation


Public Employees Retirement Association of New Mexico

Author:        High Line Corporation

Last Updated:    6th November, 2003

This function reports employee pays that are to be interfaced to the New Mexico Pension Plan.  It creates a flat file that can be transmitted, as well a report to support the data in the interface file.
It selects all pays that have not been previously interfaced up to the date selected.  

Once this function has been run (Not a Trial), the pays will never be selected again.  This technique provides for the ability to pick up pays from prior periods, and the ability to report ‘Reversals’ properly. 

Pays that have been closed,  and/or journalized are eligible.
This function should be run at the end of a pay cycle after all employee pays have been closed and disbursed.
For startup/conversion,  this process should be run as of the end of the last pay period converted,  so that all of the converted pays can be marked as ‘POSTED UPNMPERA’
For this process to function properly,  there must be a Benefit Plan named ‘NMPERA’,  and each employee must be enrolled with a coverage that is defined in the User Defined Lexicon ‘NMPERA_PLAN_CODE’.
In order to report PERA excluded employees, a set of excluded coverages must be set up to mirror the ‘included coverages’.  These excluded coverage will have rules to calculate only PERA wages and will not calculate employee/employer amounts. The excluded employees will be enrolled into the ‘excluded coverages’ and will be reported to PERA as such.  All excluded employees should have an excluded reason code UDF attached to their respective IEAS (Assignment Details) record.

Set Up required:
- One User Defined Lexicon to convert the Coverage Code to NMPERA plan code:

The Lexicon Name  MUST be ‘NMPERA_PLAN_CODE’, enter the P2K Coverage Code under the ‘Saved Value’ column, and enter the corresponding NMPERA plan code under the ‘Displayed Value’ column.
- Two User Defined Field is needed to attach to the Assignment Details Table to get the Excluded Reason and the Separation Reason Codes.

The UDF Name  MUST be ‘NMPERA_EXCLUDED’ and ‘NMPERA_SEPARATION’ respectively.  They are both attached to the Assignment Details table and will contain the Excluded/Separation Reason Code if it is applicable.

General Processing:

  • This is a Pay Period report. All pays picked up will be marked as such and will not be pick up again in future runs (when running in non-trial mode).
  • It creates a report, as well as a file as specified by the New Mexico PERA commission (see layout format attached).
  • The report will be sorted within NMPERA plan codes.
  • There are four Wage Codes, and if an Employee has earnings or deductions in more than one wage code, that employee will appear on the report and the file multiple times.
  • Address information will always be written.  Birthdate and Gender information will be written for employees hired new within the Pay Period.
  • For Employees hired/separated within the Pay Period, the hire/termination date will be recorded in the file, together with a reason code if applicable.
  • For Employees who have multiple assignment status within a Pay period, for example, hire and resigned within a pay period, then at least two detail lines will be assigned to this employee, one contains the hire date, and another contains the termination date.  When applicable, one or more of the detail lines may contain only the status change information with no money information.
  • If Employee is excluded from the PERA reporting, then the ‘NMPERA_EXCLUDED’ user field attached to the employee’s Assignment Details Table should contain the Excluded Reason Code.
  • If Employee is separated from the Employer (other then regular termination), then the ‘NMPERA_SEPARATION’ user filed attached to the employee’s Assignment Details Table should contain the Separation Reason Code.  If the employee is separated from the employer through regular termination, then no reason code is needed.

  • Adjustment Pay?  Retroactive Pay?

Header Record

Field NumberField NameField SizeColumns BeginColumns EndRemarks/CommentsP2K Location
1Employer Code515A five digit number assigned by PERAReport Parameter Entry
2Employer Name40645Name of Employer as assigned by PERAName of Entity as per Report Parameter Entry
3Reporting Period End Date84653Last Day of Pay PeriodPay Period End Date (MMDDYYYY)
4Date Created85461The Date the file was createdSystem Date file was created (MMDDYYYY)
5Business Meetings Held36264Only for Employers who belong to the Volunteer Fire Fighter Fund.N/A, fill with zeros.
6Fire Drills Held36567Only for Employers who belong to the Volunteer Fire Fighter Fund.N/A, fill with zeros.

Detail Record  (Member Demographics [fields 1-9]; and Wage and Service [fields 10-31])
Field NbrField NameField SizeColumns BeginColumns EndRemarks/CommentsP2K Location
1Address-130130The first line of Member’s addressPersonal – Address 1 (to be included every time as per client request)
2Address-2303160The second line of Member’s addressPersonal – Address 2 (to be included every time as per client request)
3Address-3306190The third line of Member’s addressN/A, leave blank
4City2891118The City in which the Member residesPersonal – Locality (to be included every time as per client request)
5State2119120The State in which the Member residesPersonal – State (to be included every time as per client request)
6ZIP-55121125The 5 digit ZIP code of the MemberPersonal – Zip (to be included every time as per client request)
7ZIP-44126129The 4 digit Postal Code of the MemberLeave Blank
8Date of Birth8130137Date of Birth of Member, only reported for New HiresIdentity – Birth Date (MMDDYYYY), only for New Hires within the Pay Period
9Gender1138138Gender of the Member, only reported for New HiresGender, M or F, only for New Hires within the Pay Period
10SSN9139147The Member’s Social Security NumberIdentity – Government Code
11Last Name30148177The Member’s Last NameIdentity – Last Name
12First Name20178197The Member’s First NameIdentity – First Name
13Middle Name20198217The Member’s Middle Name or Middle InitialIdentity – Middle Name
14Begin Date8218225The first date of the pay period in which the member workedPay Period Start Date (MMDDYYYY).  Use Hire Date for New Hires
15End Date8226233The last date of the pay period in which the member workedPay Period End Date (MMDDYYYY).  Use Termination Date for Separated Employees
16Plan Code42342374-character plan code the member belongs toCoverage Code of IBEN for the ‘NMPERA’ plan.  (NM-03=MPL1; NM-04=MPO5; NM-05=MFR5). This can be achieved by setting up a User Defined Lexicon
17Reported Wage Code2238239Transaction Code for the Member record01=Regular Wage; 02=Positive Adjustment;03=Negative Adjustment;04=Wages with no Contributions;
18Payroll Wages9(7)V99240248The Employee’s total gross reportable wagesPERA wages Pay Element, Report Parameter Entry, one for each Wage Code
19Deferred Contributions9(8)V99249258The Contribution of a member belonging to a Deferred EmployerDeferred Contributions Pay Element, Report Parameter Entry, one for each Wage Code
20Non-Deferred Contributions9(8)V99259268The Contribution of a member belonging to a Non-Deferred EmployerNon-Deferred Contributions Pay Element, Report Parameter Entry, one for each Wage Code
21Employer Contributions9(8)V99269278Percentage of the Gross Wages a Member is paidEmployer Contributions Pay Element, Report Parameter Entry, one for each Wage Code
22Hours9(6)279284The Number of Hours the Member workedPay Component Hours, Report Parameter Entry
23Pay Rate9(7)V99285293Hourly Pay Rate for the positionPay Rate from Statistic ‘HRLY RATE PREM’ in IEST
24Member Transaction Status CodeX(2)294295The new status of the Member if it has been changed since the last Demographic section was created‘00’=No change‘01’=Separation‘02’=Excluded‘03’=New Hire‘04’=Resume from Leave‘05’=Termination
25Member Transaction Status Date9(8)296303Used with the Status Code to determine the date in which the status is effective (MMDDYYYY)IEAS-Effective Date for all  Transaction Status Codes except ‘00’; fill with zeros for Transaction Status Code ‘00’.
26Separation or Excluded Reason23043052 character reason code if the status of the member has been reported as ‘Separated’ or ‘Excluded’If the Transaction Status Code is Separation(01), then use the following reason code:‘01’=Deceased‘02’=Maternity Leave‘03’=Paternity Leave‘04’=On Workers’ Comp‘05’=Off Workers’ Comp‘06’=FMLA‘07’=Education Leave‘08’=Sabbatical Leave‘09’=Layoff‘10’=Military Leave‘11’=Leave of Absence‘12’=OtherIf the Transaction Status Code is Excluded(02), then use the following reason code:‘01’=Seasonal or Temporary EE‘02’=Part Time Employee‘03’=Student Employee‘04’=Retired Member from ERA, JRA, or MRA‘05’=Independent Contractor‘06’=Private Retirement‘07’=Elected Official‘08’=Municipality‘09’=Undersheriff/Chief of Police‘10’=Overtime‘11’=OtherFill with Blanks for all other Transaction Status Codes
27Emergencies Accoutable for3306308Only for Employers who belong to the Volunteer Fire Fighter Fund.N/A; fill with zeros
28Emergencies Attended3309311Only for Employers who belong to the Volunteer Fire Fighter Fund.N/A; fill with zeros
29Fire Drills Attended3312314Only for Employers who belong to the Volunteer Fire Fighter Fund.N/A; fill with zeros
30Business Meetings Attended3315317Only for Employers who belong to the Volunteer Fire Fighter Fund.N/A; fill with zeros
31Filler77318400Fill with blanksFill with Blanks

Report Selections

Note that the ‘Pay Period Report’ toggle must be turned on in order to generate this new format report.
Excluded OT Wages and Excluded OT Hours, if applicable, must be entered so that these amounts will be reported separately from Regular Wages and Hours, and excluded from PERA. 

Sample Output File

Software needed for this release

File NameTypeComponents
NMPERA.docWordThis document
SEED_UPNMPERA_yyyymmdd.sqlSeedFunction UPNMPERA
PR_upnmpera.rdfReportReport Source
PR_upnmpera.repReportCompiled Report
P2k_spnmpera_new.sqlPLSQLBusiness Logic
P2k_spnmpera_eem.sqlPLSQLBusiness Logic
P2k_spnmpera_write.sqlPLSQLBusiness Logic