NL - Not Less Than The Not Less Than (NL) operator checks that Operand 1 is not less than Operand 2. Statement: Ensure that the gross pay is not less than $100.00 for this pay. Use the current value of the Gross Pay Element to check this amount. Line CMD OT Operand 1 OPER OT Operand2 OT Operand3 If Goto Else GoTo 00010 IF EC GROSS PAY NL N 100 99999 00100 00100 MSG A EE'S EARNS VERY LOW, PLEASE VERIFY! 99999 99999 EXIT 99999

The UserCalc checks that Operand 1 (Gross Pay) is not less than (equal or greater to) the value in Operand2 (100). Notice that this reverse logic is fairly difficult to read, and therefore should be avoided where possible in usercalcs.