NEGATIVE_DEDUCTION is an optional field used to determine how a negative deduction (i.e. a refund or 'credit' to the employee) will be processed.

  • 'Add Back To Gross' returns the deduction to the employee by adding it back to the Employee's gross pay, enabling it to be used to cover other deductions.
  • ‘Add Back To Net' returns the deduction to the employee, but does not enable it to cover any other deductions (e.g. strict refund). This option tends to be used for items that are not normally part of the gross to net calculation, such as allowances or expense reimbursements. When a recoverable advance is set up as a negative deduction, the Collect Back toggle must be turned on in order to generate an arrears transaction to recover the amount advanced on a subsequent pay.

X_DEDN_NEGATIVE_RULE is a fixed lexicon with the following values:

Displayed ValueLogic
00 Add to grossThis rule returns the amount of the deduction to the employee by adding
it back to the employee's gross pay (for internal calculation purposes only)
and enabling it to be used to cover other deductions.
This will not physically change the gross pay component total, but it will
reduce the deductions total and make the ‘refund’ amount available to
meet other deductions in this pay.
If arrears are to be created for the negative deduction, the arrears will
be created under the original deduction pay component.
01 Add to netThis rule returns the entire amount of the deduction to the employee, but
does not enable it to cover any other deductions. This option tends to be
used for items that are not normally part of the gross to net calculation,
such as allowances or expense reimbursements.
The option to ‘add to net’ will physically increase the net pay component,
and ensure that the employee receives at least the negative deduction or
‘advance’ amount in this pay.
If arrears are to be created for the negative deduction, the arrears will be
created under the original deduction pay component.

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