!!!Navigation Menu
Depending on which application you are in, the ‘splash menus’ will be different but the way you access the information will be the same.

You may navigate to a specific screen by clicking on one of the screens listed in the Splash Menu or by pressing the Navigation Menu icon to select a screen from the tree menu. The Navigation Menu is displayed directly above the main Splash screen besides the title of the Application Role you have selected. 
[{Image src='SS_NAV_MENU.JPG' width='50'}]

The application role splash screen is divided up into multiple mini splash menus which display the screens for that particular topic that you have security access to. For example, the Employee role splash menu includes the following sections/splash menus: My Personal Information, My Pay Information, My Time Management, My Attendance, My Benefits, My Training, My Career Opportunities, My Assessments and My Candidate Profile. 

These mini splash menus may be expanded or hidden using the available icons. More information on these icons may found in the [Viewing Data|VIEWING DATA] page.