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!!Entity - Table Names
Entities are identified in the [Entity Relationship Diagrams|ERD] as a singular name (i.e. DEPARTMENT).  The table name can be derived from the entity name on the diagram by noting this name, and the module that the ERD reflects (HR, PR, etc.) which is CM (Common Definitions) for DEPARTMENT.

The table name is assembled by the prefix (P2K_), the module abbreviation (CM_) and then the entity name in plural (DEPARTMENTS) thus: [P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS].
If the entity name has multiple words then these are separated by underscores (i.e. [P2K_PR_PAY_LINE_DETAILS])
If the plural of the entity name is an irregular ending, then the correct pluralization applies (i.e. [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] from the IDENTITY entity)

!!View Names
View names are similarly constructed to table names but it is differentiated as a view by the inclusion of a letter "V" at the beginning of the third section.  For example, [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS] is a table name, [P2K_HR_VEMPLOYMENTS] is a view that references this table and [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] together.

!!Function Names (IMFN)
The standard naming convention is for functions to start with a single character that dictates what type of function it is – see chart below.

!Professional Interface
In the professional interface the first character indicates the type of function and what it is used for.  

%%information There are some exceptions to the rules when there are one off items but the majority conform to this standard.%%

||Character||Type of Function
|C|Copy screen e.g. [CBCG]
|D|Date (Calendar) controlled screen eg [DADAPR]
|E|Embedded screen e.g. [EALR]
|F|Find screen e.g. [FIND_MGREAS]
|I|Interactive screen e.g. [IEAS]
|M|Dialog screen e.g. [MMRE]
|P|PA screen e.g. [PEAS]
|V|View only screen e.g. [VEEP]

||Character||Type of Function
|L|Load program e.g. [LMTD]
|R|Report program (does not normally update data) e.g. [RDEN]
|U|Update program (usually produces a report as well) e.g. [UPCALC]
|X|Extract program e.g. [XMFN]

The second letter indicates the module that this function belongs to (.e.g  M = Ad[m]inistration P = [P]ayroll etc.)\\

The rest of the letters are a useful mnemonic of what the function is intended to do.  For interactive screens, it is often the [table alias|Table_Alias] of the table primarily maintained (e.g. [IEID] is an [I]nteractive screen that maintains the [EID] table, UPCALC is an [U]pdate process for [P]ayroll [CALC]ulation)

!Self Service Interface

In Self Service, the function type character is always ‘W’ for web component.  

The second character indicates the type of Self Service role that would make use of the function.\\ 

|WA|Administrator, and/or Web Site Administrator and/or Human Resource Administrator 
|WC|Candidate role
|WE|Employee role
|WG|General  e.g [WGDPC] (View Employees By Position)
|WM|Manager role
|WP| Public e.g [WPRPO] (potential candidate could search for open postings through a link on a client's website)
|WR|Recruiter role
|WS|Scheduler role
|WV|Approver role

The third letter references the product the function is found within, for example the 'B' in [WEBEN] indicates [WEBEN] is tied to the Benefits module. The rest of the letters are a useful mnemonic of what the function is intended for, for example the 'EN' in [WEBEN] indicates [WEBEN] is for enrollments. 

!!Lexicon Names
Lexicons that are provided as part of the system start with "X_" and then have the name of the field that they are associated to.  There are cases where a lexicon name does not correspond to the field name it is referenced from, but this is usually when there is another field that would utilize the same set of values.

!!Product Modules
Each technical product module (SS aside) has a 2 character code and a single character mode which are shown in the chart below.  Both of these are used in different aspects within the system.

%%information The technical product modules may vary from license product modules (or business groupings) as they are different views of the world.%%

||Product Module||2 Char Code||1 Char Code
|System Configuration|	AM|	M
|Attendance Control|	AT|	A
|Benefits Administration|	BE|	B
|Common Definitions|	CM|	D
|Training and Development (TD)	|CP|	C
|Conversion|	CV|	V
|Forecasting and Costing|	FC|	F
|Human Resources|	HR|	E
|Labor Relations|	LR|	L
|Payroll|	PR|	P
|Recruitment|	RE|	R
|Pension System	|RX|	X
|Salary Administration|	SA|	S
|Safety and Health|	SH|	H
|Time Scheduling|	TS|	T
General Utilities	UT	U

!!Business Roles
In the Self Service environment functionality is naturally grouped by Business Roles and each of these business roles is assigned a single character code which is used in function names to easily recognize which role the function belongs to.

In the chart below we show each single character followed by what they mean as well as IF they have physical Business Role in the roles table and whether that role gets automatically or manually assigned to users.

Automatically assigned roles should NOT be physically granted to users as the system will grant them to them IF they qualify.
||Character||For||Business Role||Assigned How
|A|HR Administrator|[WWW_HRADMIN]|Manually
|C|Candidates|[WWW_CANDIDATE]|Manually – 1 user only
|G|General Use|	N/A  |	
|P|Publicly Available|[WWW_PUBLIC]|Manually – 1 user only

!!Oracle Reports versus Windward
For Oracle Reports the standard report file name was composed of the 2 character product code, an underscore, the function name and then “.rdf”.
For Windward the template file name no longer contains the product code.  Thus the structure is simple function name and then “.rtf”.
For example: AT_RAAC.rdf (in Oracle) and RAAC.rtf (in Windward)

[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

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