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!!![{$applicationname}] Modules
;Foundation:[Administration (AM)|MODULE-AM]\\[Common Codes (CM)|MODULE-CM]\\[Human Resources (HR)|MODULE-HR]\\
;Core:__[Attendance (AT)|MODULE-AT]\\[Benefits (BE)|MODULE-BE]__\\[Payroll (PR)|MODULE-PR]\\[Salary Admin (SA)]\\[Workflow (WF)|WORKFLOW (WF)]
;Secondary:__[Labor Relations (LR)]\\[Safety & Health (SH)]\\[Training & Development (TD)]\\[Recruiting (RE)]__\\[Forecasting & Costing (FC)]\\[Time Scheduling (TS)]\\[Pension Management (RX)]
;Self Service:[Employee-Manager (EMSS)]\\[Recruiting (RSS)]\\[Time Management (TMSS)]\\[Benefits (BSS)]\\
;Other:[Conversion]\\[State Retirement Reporting]\\[Generic Service Bureau Interface]\\[Contract Processing]\\[Government Reporting]
;Miscellaneous:[User Calcs]\\[Time Rules]\\[Interfacing]\\__[User Interface|USER INTERFACE]__\\__[Entity-Relationship Diagrams|ERD]__\\ \\[Functions]\\[Tables and Views]\\[Documentation]\\__[SECURITY]__
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<h2> Wiki Update</h2>
<p>The following pages have changed in the last 24 hours.<p/>
<p>You can see these pages at <a href="http://www.highlinecorp.com:8080/JSPWiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Main">http://www.highlinecorp.com:8080/Wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Main</a>
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