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In Self Service, the ‘My Employees’ list shows all the employees that report to the Manager.

The employees that report to the manager is a direct report or an indirect report. This means that employees who report directly to the manager will show as well as those employees who report to the direct employee and so on. All of these employees will be available to the manager and can be focused on to access their information.

The employees you will have access to in this list will be determined by the reporting structure defined in the application.

Managers are able to see employees that report to positions that they manage that happen to be vacant. For example, on terminating Level 2 employee, Level 3 employee is shown under Level 1 employee.

SEARCH Capabilities#

In the block available at the top of the list, values can be entered that will refine the list of employees displayed. For example, you can enter a name and only those employees that have that name will display.

To clear out the Search entered and get the entire list of employees, the ‘X’ can be selected.


The ability to select multiple values to refine the list is available. This is done by entering values in the Filters – Title, Position or Department. Any one or all these values when entered will refine the list of employees displayed.



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