The following is an example of a more complex Open Enrollment approval process that involves multiple steps.

The first step is defined for situations where approvals are required for coverages that require evidence to be submitted. This step involves a where clause to check if any coverage within the employee’s open enrollment have the Evidence Required toggle checked ON.

The second step is defined for situations where approvals are required for changes made to an enrollment. This step involves a where clause to filter open enrollments that include the “Elected, With Changes” elected decisions. The third step is the final approval and involves a where clause to filter the open enrollments for any plans that require approval.

Step 1: Approval for Evidence#

The first line in the where clause above uses a derived column, DRV_APPROVAL_REQUIRED, to capture the plans (if any) within the open enrollment have the Approval Required lexicon in IBPN set to Approval Required.

The second line in the above where clause uses the derived column, DRV_EVIDENCE_REQUIRED, to capture the coverages (if any) within the Open Enrollment have the Evidence Required toggle checked ON in IBPN.

If one plan within the employee’s open enrollment meets the criteria of the where clause above, then the system will prompt the specified user with this approval step.

If no plans in the employee’s open enrollment meet the criteria outlined above, then the approval process will call the next step.

Step 2: Approval with Changes Only#

The first line in the where clause above uses a derived column, DRV_APPROVAL_REQUIRED, to capture if plans (if any) within the open enrollment have the Approval Required lexicon in IBPN set to Approval Required.

The second line in the above where clause uses the derived column, DRV_ELECTED_WITH_CHANGES, to capture the benefit elections (if any) in the employee’s open enrollment have the “Elected, With Changes” election decision. This would mean that the employee has selected different plans and/or coverages in the open enrollment than what they are currently enrolled in.

If one election within the employee’s open enrollment meets the criteria of the where clause above, then the system will prompt the specified user with this approval step.

If no elections in the employee’s open enrollment meet the criteria outlined above, then the approval process will call the next step.

Step 3: Final Approval#

The where clause above uses a derived column, DRV_APPROVAL_REQUIRED, to capture plans (if any) within the open enrollment have the Approval Required lexicon in IBPN set to Approval Required.

If one plan within the employee’s open enrollment requires approval, this will call the above approval process.

This is the final approval step, once the specified user has approved this step the EE Open Enroll Stage will become approved and the Benefit Administrator can then process the employee’s open enrollment.

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