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The Schedule Conflict Warning [MTSC] screen allows you to enter a schedule conflict warning.  The data in the dialog is stored on the  [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES], [P2K_TS_SCHEDULED_SHIFTS] and [P2K_TS_TIME_EXCEPTIONS] tables.


!Owned Shifts
;[Shift Date|SHIFT_DATE]: The date of the shift is displayed here. 
;[Shift|SHIFT_CODE]:The scheduled shift displays in this field for the highlighted day.
;[Job|DJB_ID]:The scheduled job code is displayed in this field.
;[Work Station|WORK_STATION_CODE]: The work station the employee is scheduled to work in is displayed here.
;[Work Area|TWA_ID]:
;[Start|DRV_SHIFT_START_TIME]/[End|DRV_SHIFT_END_TIME]:These fields define the start and end times of the employee's shift. 
;[O/R Start|OVERRIDE_SHIFT_START_TIME]/[O/R End|OVERRIDE_SHIFT_END_TIME]:The start and end times may be overridden in these fields.
;[Remove EE|   ]:
;[Conflict|   ]:

;[Start Date|   ]:
;[Type|   ]:
;[Shift|SHIFT_CODE]:The scheduled shift displays in this field for the highlighted day.
;[Job|DJB_ID]:The scheduled job code is displayed in this field.
;[Work Station|WORK_STATION_CODE]: The work station the employee is scheduled to work in is displayed here.
;[Work Area|   ]:
;[Start|DRV_SHIFT_START_TIME]/[End|DRV_SHIFT_END_TIME]:These fields define the start and end times of the employee's shift. 
;[O/R Start|OVERRIDE_SHIFT_START_TIME]/[O/R End|OVERRIDE_SHIFT_END_TIME]:The start and end times may be overridden in these fields.
;[Conflict|   ]:

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