[{TableOfContents }] !!!CREATE CALL LOG The Create Time Exception Control [MTLG] screen allows you to create a time exception control. The data in the dialog is stored on the [P2K_TS_CALL_LOGS] table. ;[Employee| ]:The employee who the call was made to will be displayed here. ;[Phone #| ]: ;[Alt. Phone #| ]: ;[Cellular #| ]: !Shift Info ;[From| ]: ;[From Time| ]: ;[To Time| ]: ;[Call Status|CALL_STATUS]:The status of the call will be displayed in this field. ;[Call Result|CALL_RESULT]:This field displays the result of the call (i.e. if the employee accepts work, declines work or calls in). ;[Call Placed On|CALL_PLACED_DATE]:This field displays the date the call to the employee took place. ;[Time of Call|CALL_PLACED_TIME]:This field displays the time the call took place. ;[Description| ]: ;[Comments| ]: ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.MTLG] [{InsertPage page='Internal.MTLG' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]