The Enter Time Away Dialog [MTEL] screen is called from the ... screen by pressing the ... button.  The data in the dialog is stored on the [P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES] table.

;[Start Date|START_DATE]:This field displays the first day of the leave.
;[Start Time|START_TIME]:This field displays the start time of the leave.
;[End Date|END_DATE]:This field displays the last day of the leave.
;[End Time|END_TIME]:This field displays the end time of the leave.
;[Type of Leave|LEAVE_TYPE_CODE]:The type of leave is indicated in this field.
;[Comment|COMMENTS]:Additional comments about the leave are provided in this field.
;[Reason|LEAVE_REASON_TEXT]:The reason for the leave is indicated in this field.


[{InsertPage page='Internal.MTEL' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]