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Original Clock Date Clock Entry Type Original Clock Time Adjusted Clock Time Time Code Job Department Cost Center Distribution Mask Reference Info


The Edit Clock In/Out Punch Dialog - Admin MTCIOU screen allows you to edit a clock In/Out punch. The data in the dialog is stored on the P2K_TS_CLOCK_ENTRIES table.

Original Clock Date
This field displays the date for the clock entry.
Clock Entry Type
This field identifies the type of clock entry being made.
Original Clock Time
This field displays the time of the clock entry.
Time Code
This field indicates the time code for this entry.
This field identifies the job and unit associated with the employee for this card entry.
This field identifies the department associated with the employee for this card entry.
Cost Center
This field identifies the cost center associated with the employee for this card entry.
Distribution Mask
This field identifies the distribution code to receive part of all of the costs.
Reference Information
This field will allow you to include any additional information about the time entry. This field may be used to indicate the clock device if the G1 or G2 interface is used. Each time clock would be given a Machine Name that corresponds to a clock device (ITCD) in Wiki. This code would be stored in the reference information for each clock entry.

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